mi pa še vedno ni jasno zakaj se ne morem povezat na M4 preko obeh frekvenc skupaj "kombinirano". Torej da dosežem "wifi link 1.2ghz" (na 3m zračne razdalje).
Narobe predvidevaš... razlika je v tem, da ima tvoj AP 2x2 AC WiFi (max 866Mbit/s), AP od tvojega kolega pa 3x3 AC Wifi (max 1.3Gbit/s).
Advertised Speeds
802.11ac-class device wireless speeds are often advertised as AC followed by a number, that number being the highest link rates in Mbit/s of all the simultaneously-usable radios in the device added up. For example, an AC1900 access point might have 600 Mbit/s capability on its 2.4 GHz radio and 1300 Mbit/s capability on its 5 GHz radio. No single client device could connect and achieve 1900 Mbit/s of throughput, but separate devices each connecting to the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios could achieve combined throughput approaching 1900 Mbit/s. Different possible stream configurations can add up to the same AC number.