Težave z USB mrežno kartico in VLC

Vse o T-2 IP televiziji
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Prispevkov: 1316
Pridružen: 19. Mar 2006 ob 16:05
T-2: Že imam
Paket: 100/10
Kraj: Zokiville

Težave z USB mrežno kartico in VLC

Odgovor Napisal/-a Anubis » 19. Jan 2011 ob 19:01

Desktop mašina ima za drugo (IPTV) mrežno kartico USB kartico. Ta občasno povzroča probleme, saj po rebootu ali prižigu ni vedno zaznana, po prebujenju iz hibernacije pa praviloma nikoli ni zaznana. OK, workaround je, da je treba iztakniti USB kabel in ga ponovno priključiti.
Hujše pa je s predvajanjem IPTV v VLCju, saj se slika in zvok v takih primerih vedno zatika (približno tako, kot bi imel operater težave ali pa bi imela linija prešvoh bandwidth). Priloženi software za diagnostiko ne sporoči nobene težave, prav tako je izpisano, da je zveza na mrežni 100 MBps. Od tu naprej je v glavnem loterija: včasih pomaga enkrat ali večkrat iztakniti in nazaj vtakniti mrežni kabel, iztakniti in nazaj vtakniti USB kabel ali pa enostavno počakati in upati, da se bo zadeva uredila "sama". Skratka v kateremkoli izmed teh treh "wokaroundov" ali njihovih kombinacij se zadeva v parih minutah spravi v red, ampak to je bolj rešitev za silo.

Če je USB mrežna po rebootu normalno zaznana, teh težav ni. Težave pa so identične ne glede na to, ali se jo priklopi na IPTV od Telekoma ali od T2.

Prilagam debugging output od VLCja v enem takih primerov. Če se kdo podrobneje spozna v to, bi prosil za kakšno racionalno razlago vzroka oz. kako se rešiti težave.

Koda: Izberi vse

Missing picture start code
[03c7020c] main video output error: picture to display 03c71044 has invalid status 2
00 motion_type at 14 28
ac-tex damaged at 43 12
00 motion_type at 35 11
00 motion_type at 25 19
00 motion_type at 30 9
00 motion_type at 26 14
slice mismatch
skipped MB in I frame at 20 0
00 motion_type at 18 20
mb incr damaged
ac-tex damaged at 18 15
invalid cbp at 9 19
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 6, expected 5) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 6, expected 5) for PID 60
00 motion_type at 35 13
invalid cbp at 41 19
00 motion_type at 29 18
00 motion_type at 27 20
00 motion_type at 1 33
invalid cbp at 11 5
mb incr damaged
invalid cbp at 12 17
skipped MB in I frame at 18 2
invalid mb type in I Frame at 6 27
00 motion_type at 33 0
00 motion_type at 10 16
invalid mb type in P Frame at 30 14
00 motion_type at 8 27
00 motion_type at 19 35
slice mismatch
00 motion_type at 6 30
00 motion_type at 28 16
ac-tex damaged at 10 12
00 motion_type at 10 1
00 motion_type at 28 4
00 motion_type at 2 9
slice mismatch
00 motion_type at 10 7
00 motion_type at 31 22
00 motion_type at 19 2
ac-tex damaged at 35 12
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0) for PID 60
ac-tex damaged at 29 17
Warning MVs not available
ac-tex damaged at 29 17
Warning MVs not available
ac-tex damaged at 16 19
ac-tex damaged at 21 7
ac-tex damaged at 20 17
ac-tex damaged at 22 23
Warning MVs not available
ac-tex damaged at 16 26
ac-tex damaged at 27 12
ac-tex damaged at 21 34
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 3, expected 2) for PID 60
00 motion_type at 43 26
00 motion_type at 22 28
00 motion_type at 15 8
ac-tex damaged at 19 34
invalid mb type in B Frame at 37 16
ac-tex damaged at 26 34
00 motion_type at 6 5
00 motion_type at 0 6
ac-tex damaged at 24 15
ac-tex damaged at 17 28
skipped MB in I frame at 23 18
ac-tex damaged at 41 19
mb incr damaged
ac-tex damaged at 11 20
00 motion_type at 22 15
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 7, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 7, expected 0) for PID 60
ac-tex damaged at 6 34
Warning MVs not available
ac-tex damaged at 0 21
Warning MVs not available
00 motion_type at 25 3
00 motion_type at 17 35
00 motion_type at 2 1
00 motion_type at 1 3
Warning MVs not available
00 motion_type at 5 21
ac-tex damaged at 36 30
00 motion_type at 8 25
invalid mb type in P Frame at 33 7
00 motion_type at 3 6
ac-tex damaged at 29 31
invalid mb type in B Frame at 2 12
invalid cbp at 30 34
skipped MB in I frame at 24 18
ac-tex damaged at 40 17
ac-tex damaged at 29 23
mb incr damaged
ac-tex damaged at 43 34
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 0) for PID 60
Warning MVs not available
Warning MVs not available
mb incr damaged
ac-tex damaged at 22 18
Warning MVs not available
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 3, expected 2) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 3, expected 2) for PID 60
00 motion_type at 36 9
00 motion_type at 2 24
slice mismatch
ac-tex damaged at 24 13
mb incr damaged
ac-tex damaged at 27 12
00 motion_type at 35 15
end mismatch left=1162 13A5A
ac-tex damaged at 2 4
skipped MB in I frame at 32 19
ac-tex damaged at 44 27
mb incr damaged
ac-tex damaged at 5 18
00 motion_type at 30 22
invalid mb type in I Frame at 9 28
ac-tex damaged at 35 8
ac-tex damaged at 22 20
mb incr damaged
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0) for PID 60
00 motion_type at 22 9
Warning MVs not available
00 motion_type at 0 11
Warning MVs not available
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 0) for PID 60
00 motion_type at 20 22
Warning MVs not available
00 motion_type at 27 30
Warning MVs not available
ac-tex damaged at 11 21
00 motion_type at 18 23
Warning MVs not available
slice mismatch
ac-tex damaged at 14 26
ac-tex damaged at 25 22
00 motion_type at 19 5
ac-tex damaged at 23 25
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 14, expected 13) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 14, expected 13) for PID 60
ac-tex damaged at 13 25
00 motion_type at 32 11
slice mismatch
ac-tex damaged at 19 28
00 motion_type at 3 31
ac-tex damaged at 10 30
mb incr damaged
00 motion_type at 15 27
invalid mb type in P Frame at 18 28
skipped MB in I frame at 33 19
slice mismatch
00 motion_type at 20 7
ac-tex damaged at 10 21
mb incr damaged
skipped MB in I frame at 30 21
00 motion_type at 28 2
slice mismatch
00 motion_type at 22 4
ac-tex damaged at 28 19
00 motion_type at 9 2
00 motion_type at 3 20
00 motion_type at 29 31
ac-tex damaged at 24 28
00 motion_type at 40 3
00 motion_type at 28 29
00 motion_type at 10 23
00 motion_type at 33 16
00 motion_type at 42 12
ac-tex damaged at 7 3
invalid mb type in P Frame at 24 34
mb incr damaged
00 motion_type at 4 13
00 motion_type at 23 30
skipped MB in I frame at 20 8
00 motion_type at 20 8
00 motion_type at 40 10
ac-tex damaged at 35 31
invalid mb type in I Frame at 41 33
ac-tex damaged at 1 11
ac-tex damaged at 36 19
invalid cbp at 0 28
00 motion_type at 42 6
00 motion_type at 1 24
ac-tex damaged at 24 28
invalid mb type in I Frame at 30 31
00 motion_type at 15 1
00 motion_type at 38 30
[01ad85ac] main stream error: cannot pre fill buffer
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 14, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 14, expected 0) for PID 60
ac-tex damaged at 33 32
Warning MVs not available
ac-tex damaged at 33 32
Warning MVs not available
invalid mb type in P Frame at 4 2
mb incr damaged
Warning MVs not available
00 motion_type at 27 25
skipped MB in I frame at 31 8
00 motion_type at 29 4
invalid mb type in P Frame at 40 35
00 motion_type at 34 4
mb incr damaged
00 motion_type at 0 6
00 motion_type at 42 7
00 motion_type at 6 8
00 motion_type at 4 0
00 motion_type at 17 1
00 motion_type at 15 7
00 motion_type at 13 8
invalid mb type in B Frame at 5 9
00 motion_type at 5 10
00 motion_type at 3 12
00 motion_type at 14 13
00 motion_type at 6 14
00 motion_type at 3 15
00 motion_type at 23 16
00 motion_type at 24 16
00 motion_type at 14 30
ac-tex damaged at 33 24
00 motion_type at 6 9
00 motion_type at 41 25
ac-tex damaged at 31 20
slice mismatch
ac-tex damaged at 37 30
invalid mb type in P Frame at 34 33
00 motion_type at 22 31
skipped MB in I frame at 32 20
00 motion_type at 42 31
00 motion_type at 17 33
invalid mb type in B Frame at 28 30
00 motion_type at 42 21
00 motion_type at 7 19
00 motion_type at 8 25
00 motion_type at 34 0
ac-tex damaged at 7 35
invalid cbp at 26 5
00 motion_type at 14 6
invalid cbp at 9 8
00 motion_type at 34 34
ac-tex damaged at 3 2
mb incr damaged
00 motion_type at 26 31
slice mismatch
00 motion_type at 40 2
[01a6c0c4] main video output error: picture to display 01a6d5bc has invalid status 2
00 motion_type at 7 3
00 motion_type at 37 22
ac-tex damaged at 18 31
ac-tex damaged at 34 13
slice mismatch
invalid mb type in P Frame at 29 28
ac-tex damaged at 6 35
skipped MB in I frame at 41 4
invalid cbp at 23 1
00 motion_type at 24 10
invalid cbp at 1 1
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 10, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 10, expected 0) for PID 60
Warning MVs not available
ac-tex damaged at 17 18
Warning MVs not available
00 motion_type at 28 18
mb incr damaged
Warning MVs not available
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 14) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 15, expected 14) for PID 60
00 motion_type at 24 20
00 motion_type at 29 15
mb incr damaged
ac-tex damaged at 38 6
invalid mb type in I Frame at 15 9
00 motion_type at 28 22
mb incr damaged
mb incr damaged
00 motion_type at 10 28
ac-tex damaged at 27 2
mb incr damaged
skipped MB in I frame at 4 9
00 motion_type at 24 29
ac-tex damaged at 39 19
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 14, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 14, expected 0) for PID 60
Warning MVs not available
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 1) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 1) for PID 60
Warning MVs not available
00 motion_type at 36 28
Warning MVs not available
invalid mb type in B Frame at 17 34
mb incr damaged
00 motion_type at 44 34
ac-tex damaged at 21 5
00 motion_type at 28 2
00 motion_type at 24 18
ac-tex damaged at 39 8
[019edb14] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR  is called too late (pts_delay increased to 300 ms)
ac-tex damaged at 17 32
ac-tex damaged at 29 28

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 9181
Pridružen: 1. Mar 2008 ob 21:14
T-2: Že imam
Paket: imam

Re: Težave z USB mrežno kartico in VLC

Odgovor Napisal/-a MrTwelveTrees » 19. Jan 2011 ob 19:47

imel podoben problem, vse te variante USB wireless so krš roba da ni res, sam sem že drugo karico vrgel v koš, kupil na PCI vodilu in dela kot more

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1316
Pridružen: 19. Mar 2006 ob 16:05
T-2: Že imam
Paket: 100/10
Kraj: Zokiville

Re: Težave z USB mrežno kartico in VLC

Odgovor Napisal/-a Anubis » 19. Jan 2011 ob 19:53

Ni wireless. Navadna USB-to-ethernet od ST-LAB - npr. http://www.supercene.com/product/1/1514 ... Stlab.html

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 9181
Pridružen: 1. Mar 2008 ob 21:14
T-2: Že imam
Paket: imam

Re: Težave z USB mrežno kartico in VLC

Odgovor Napisal/-a MrTwelveTrees » 19. Jan 2011 ob 19:55

isti šmorn...
